Hi All, 

Oct 2: Chapter 16 - 哥哥的爱好 (Older Brother's Hobby / Hobbies)
爱好                 ài hào                             hobby / interest 
你的爱好是什么    Nǐ de àihào shì shénme    What is your hobby?/What are your hobbies?
你有什么爱好        Nǐ yǒu shé me àihào         What is your hobby?/What are your hobbies?   

Another way of saying ài hào is:
兴趣 xìng qù interest / hobby

Today we had a guest teacher from Taiwan, Cài lǎoshī  
蔡老师    Cài lǎoshī      Teacher Cai
她姓蔡    Tā xìng cài    Her surname (last name) is Cai
台湾的总统是蔡英文    Táiwān de zǒngtǒng shì cài yīngwén    Taiwan's President is cài yīngwén 
总统                              zǒngtǒng    president

                                  wǎn                           late
晚上                               wǎn shang            evening / night 
现在很晚了                    Xiànzài hěn wǎnle    It's late now
现在太晚了                    Xiànzài tài wǎnle      It's too late now  

                            kuài         fast / rapid / quick 
快乐                             kuài lè         happy / merry
你说话太快                 Nǐ shuōhuà tài kuài    You speak too fast

                              màn         slow
他说话很慢                    Tā shuōhuà hěn màn    He speaks very slowly

                                jìn to enter / to go in / to go forward / to advance  
请进                                Qǐng jìn    Please come in

                                chū                 to go out / to exit 
请你出去                       Qǐng nǐ chūqù    Please go out 

忘记                         wàng jì to forget
我今天忘记带手机        Wǒ jīntiān wàngjì dài shǒujī    I forgot to bring my cell phone today

Useful Resources:

Melody's recording - New words from today's lesson and this blog. I sent it to you via text. 


1. Complete Workbook p. 122 - 124. Please take a picture and send it to me.

2. Repeat after me when playing my recording which includes New Words and sentences on Pages 112 - 116 plus this blog. Please record the same materials with your voice and send it to me.

Please note:
  • We don't have school next week. See you on Zoom on Oct 16 (Saturday morning at 10:00 am)
  • Our tentative date to come to my house to make dumplings is Saturday, Oct 23 at 1:30 pm



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